Complaints Procedure

Step 1:
Where to Complain

Lodge all complaints in writing to Vunani Botswana using any of the following addresses:


Physical Address:
Plot 64515, Kgwebo2,
2nd Floor, Fairgrounds,
Gaborone, Botswana

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 1818,
Gaborone, Botswana

Step 2:
How to lodge a complaint

  1. Complete the complaints registration form provided by Vunani Botswana.
  2. Vunani Botswana will acknowledge receipt of complaints in writing within 24 working hours.
  3. Vunani Botswana will investigate and aim to resolve complaints, in a fair manner within a period of 5 working days except in exceptional circumstances where further investigation is required.
  4. Once we have resolved and dealt with the complaint, we will review key outcomes and object lessons from the experience and improve our offerings to our clients and stakeholders.
  5. Vunani Botswana shall notify complainants upon resolution of the complaint.

Step 3:
Dissatisfaction with complaint resolution

If the complaint has not been resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, the complainant may refer the complaint to the Managing Director at: or +267 391 0310

Step 4:
Complaint to the regulator

If the Managing Director’s response does not satisfy the complainant, the complainant may escalate the matter to the Non – Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (“NBFIRA”) at:

Postal Address:
Capital Markets Division
Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority
Private Bag 00314,

Step 5:
Legal Action

If the regulator does not provide a satisfactory resolution to the complaint, the complainant may also take action through the courts.

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